七年级下英语 Unit 7 重要知识点

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七年级下英语 Unit 7 重要知识点

2024-01-25 15:26| 来源: 网络整理| 查看: 265

eat up吃光 mop up拖干净 use up 用光

8.visit an old people's home参观老年公寓

9.need sth. most最需要某物

10.send sth. to sb = send sb sth把某物寄送給某人

He sent me a postcard. = He sent a postcard to me. 他寄给我一张明信片。

send sb. a gift 送某人一份礼物 send emails 发电子邮件

send out 发出(光,信号等) send a message 捎口信


(1)动词 + 间接宾语(sb.) + 直接宾语(sth.)

(2)动词 + 直接宾语(sth.) + 介词(for/to) + 间接宾语(sb.)


(1)常用介词to的动词有:send; give; show; bring; show; teach; tell等。例如:

give sb. sth. = give sth. to sb. show sb. sth. = show sth. to sb.

(2)常用介词for的动词有:buy; sing; make; cook; get等。例如:

buy sb. sth. = buy sth. for sb. make sb. sth. = make sth. for sb.

11.pay for sth. 为某物付款

spend 人 时间/金钱 人+ spend(s)/spent +时间/金钱+on sth

人+ spend(s)/spent +时间/金钱+(in) doing sth

cost 物 金钱 物 + cost(s)/cost+sb+金钱

pay 人 金钱 物+pay(s)/paid +金钱+for sth

take it 时间 It takes/took(sb)+时间+to do sth


pay sb. 意为“付款给某人”。 pay for sth.,意为“付款买某物或为某物付款”;

pay(sb.)+for sth“为某物付款给某人”;pay+money+for sth/to buy sth,“花钱买某物”。

12.raise some money for sb.为某人募集金钱

raise sth for sb为某人募集某物 raise sth for sb to do sth为某人募集某物

13.even adv. “甚至”放在表示以外的词前加强语气,可用来修饰动词或形容词。

如:He’s even rude to the police. 他甚至对警察粗鲁。


1.He was brave enough to save his neighbour from a fire.他很勇敢,从火灾中救出了他的邻居

①brave adj.勇敢的 a brave young man一位勇敢的年轻男人

⬇bravely adv.勇敢地(修饰动词)

②save vt.救,救助 save his neighbour from a fire 从火中挽救邻居

save ....from... 从....中救出 save one’s life 救了某人的命

vt.节省,储蓄 save money/water/time 节约钱/水/时间

2.be at home alone独自一人在家

3.3.79-year-old 为复合形容词,“79岁的” 其结构为“基数词-名词单数-形容词”名词必须用单数,此结构只能作定语。 如:Helen is 14 years old.=Helen is a 14-year-old girl.

4.hear someone shouting听到有人在大声叫喊

5.hear/see/watch/find sb. doing sth. 听见/看见/观看/发现某人正在做某事

hear/see/watch/find sb. do sth.听见/看见/观看/发现某人做某事(的全过程)

6.He ran outside and saw a lot of smoke from next door.他跑到外面,看到从隔壁冒出了大量的烟

【smoke】 不可数名词: 烟,烟雾 There is no smoke without fire无风不起浪

=No smoke with fire

Vi.吸烟,抽烟 No smoking 禁止抽烟

next door 在隔壁

run outside跑到外面

see a lot of smoke from next door看到许多来自隔壁的烟

7.be badly hurt伤得严重

【bad】 adj.坏的,有害的 be bad for...... 对 .....有害 ➡ 【badly】adv.严重地,厉害地

【hurt】 adj.受伤的 be hurt 受伤 vt.使受伤,伤害,疼 hurt sb 伤害某人

hurt adj.“受伤的”可作定语或表语。如:His left knee was hurt in a traffic accident.

vt. “使受伤,伤害”宾语通常是某人,身体部位或人的情感。

如:Be careful not to hurt yourself.

vi.“感到疼痛”如:Her head often hurts.

8.pour water over his clothes to protect himself 把水倒到他的衣服上来保护他自己

【protect】vt.保护 protect sb from sth 保护某人避免受到某事/物的伤害

protect ..from/against “保护...使其免于...”

如:Protect your eyes from/against the strong sunlight.

9.rush into the kitchen冲进厨房 rush into..... 跑进..... rush out of..... 从...中跑出

10.heavy smoke浓烟

11.put a wet blanket over Mrs Sun用湿毛毯裹在孙夫身上

12.help her out 帮助地出来 help sb out 帮助某人摆脱困境

13.put out the fire扑灭火 put out 扑灭 put 代词 out

14.burn one's arms烧伤了某人的胳膊 burn-burned/burnt

15.be in hospital for two weeks住院两周

in hospital (生病)住院 指病人生病住院

in the hospital 在医院里 指在医院工作或去医院看望某人等

16.at that moment = just then 就在那时


news 不可数名词 “新闻,消息”指公众感兴趣的、近来发生的事情,尤指通过广播、电视、网络等报道的事件

message 可数名词 一般指口头传递或书写的“消息”

information 不可数名词 “消息;信息”指在阅读、观察、谈话或书信往来中特别关注的消息,情报、资料等。

a piece of news一则新闻 five pieces of news 五则新闻

No news is good news.没消息就是好消息 hear about the news听说这个新闻

18.have time to think about sth.有时间思考某事

19.(1)nod vi.点头多用于表示同意或打招呼等。过去式:nodded 现在分词:nodding

固定短语:nod at/to sb. “向某人点头” nod one’s head,“点头”。

nod sb a welcome=nod a welcome to sb,“向某人点头表示欢迎”如:

(2)think about用作“考虑”之意时,后接名词、代词、动名词作宾语。

He is thinking about what to do this afternoon.他正在考虑下午做什么。

think about=think of 用作“认为

20.be careful with sth.小心某物 be careful with fireworks当心烟花

care vt.关心 ➡ careful adj.仔细的,认真的,小心的(反:careless --be careless粗心)

➡carefully adv.细心地,认真地,小心地

21Stop//keep sb. from doing sth.阻止某人做菜事

22.an old lady一位老奶奶

23. find out弄清楚,查明(思考)

24. Sth be on fire= sth catch a fire着火

25. get better变得更好

26. play with matches玩火柴 【match】n.(可数)火柴/比赛

vt. 相配 match sth well与....很配

27. keep your hair from the fire 使你的头发远离火 keep sb. away from sth. 使某人远离某物

Keep the children away from the water. It’s dangerous. 不要让儿童靠近水。危险!

28.have time to do sth为固定搭配,表示“有时间做某事”


1.make a call on your mobile用你的手机打个电话

2.leave sth. at home把某物落(忘)在家 leave:使……处于(某种状态、某地等)

Don’t leave the stove on.不要让火炉一直开着。

3.by the way顺便说一下

4.no problem没问题

5.see through walls看透墙

6.be just like X-rays就像X光

7.burn things with his eyes用他的眼睛烧东西

8.hear things far away听到远处的东西

9.What else can he do?他还能做什么?

【else】adv.另外,其他 通常放在特殊疑问词what/ who /which /when /where/ how等后面,或者放在something/ anything /nothing /anyone/ everyone等不定代词后

【other】 adj.其他的,别的 后接名词

10.stop a train with his hands用他的手拦停火车

11.fly as fast as light飞得像光一祥快


Ⅰ定义:情态动词是一类用于表示说话人的语气和情态的助动词。常表示命令、 请 求、拒绝、义务、可能、需要等。如: can ,could, may, must, need





Ⅲcan/ could/may的用法

① can:表示能力, 意为“能,会”。表示现在的能力用can,表示过去的能力用could。 此时可以用短 be able to与之替换。

She can speak French very well. =She is able to speak French very well.她法语说得很好。

I could catch the bus, but I didn't want to. 我当时能赶上车的,但是我没想赶



Can I borrow your book?我能借你的书吗?

Could you help me?你能帮助我吗?

can : 表示允许别人做某事时,一般只用can. 不用could

You can watch TV in the sitting room.你可以在客厅看电视。

may: 既可以表示征求对方许可也可以表示允许对方做 较正式

-May I make a call on your phone?

-Yes,you may. -No,you may not.

③can/ could:表示怀疑、猜测时,意为“可能”。can't/ couldn't意为“不可能"

He can't/couldn't be only fifty. 他不可能只有五十岁。

This can't be finished by her.这不可能是她完成的。


-Can+主语+V.原+其他? -Yes,主语+can./No,主语+can't.

以could开头的一般疑问句,其肯定和否定回答分别用could 和couldn't

-Could+主语+V.原+其他? -Yes,主语+could./No,主语+couldn’t.

※但表示允许别人做某事时,其回答用can, 而不用could。

-Could I use your pen?我可以用你的钢笔吗?

-Yes,of course you can.当然可以。




What a good boy he is! What an interesting book it is!

What beautiful flowers there are in the garden.


How interesting the book is!

How beautiful the flowers in the garden are!

【integrated skills】

1.need to read more and speak more this termx这个学期需要多读,多说

---Clark, your room is really in a mess. It needs ______.

---Sorry, mum. I’ll do it at once.

A. clean B. cleaned C. to clean D. to be cleaned

need的用法。人作主语时,常用sb. need(s) to do sth.句型,意为“某人需要做某事”;

物作主语时,常用sth. need(s) doing sth.==sth. need(s) to be done.句型, “某物需要做某事”

2.work hard on Geography努力学习地理

【hard】adv.努力地,费力地 work hard on sth在某方面努力

work hard “努力学习/工作” 有时相当于 study hard. hard是adv.,修饰v.

3.write good articles写出好文章

4.dry// try one's best(to do sth)尽某人最大的努力(做某事)

do one’s best to do sth = try one’s best to do sth 尽某人最大的努力去做某事

We will do/try our best to learn English well. 我们会尽全力学好英语。

5.get into the school team进入校队

6.I start to play the violin at the age of six.== I start to play the violin when I was 6 years old..

at the age of........ 在.....岁时 =When sb is/was......years old.

7.start/ begin to do sth.开始做某事

8.show me how to play it教我如何拉它

【show】①vt. 教,演示 show sb how to do sth教某人如何做某事

展示 show sth to sb = show sb sth把某物拿给某人

show off 炫耀

② n. 展览,展览物,节目,表演 on show 在展出

【study skills】

1.A library is a useful place to find information.

【useful】adj.有用的,有益的 反:useless be useful to..... 对.....有益

2.Books are organized according to tips.

【organize】vt.组织 →organization n.组织 according to 根据

3.similar adj.相似的 be similar to ...... 与....类似,相似于

4.subject n. “题目;科目” 可指讨论,研究,写作或艺术创作等的题目。

如:Which subject do you like best?


1. recommend sb. for sth.推荐某人获得某物 this year's Young Star Award今年的新星奖

recommend sb for an award 推荐某人获得一个奖项 recommend sb as /to be推荐某人当

recommend sb to do sth 推荐某人做某事

2. When he is free, he often helps at the Helping Hands Club and does most of the computer work for the club. 当他有空时,他常常在帮手俱乐部帮忙解决大多数电脑问题。


When you______________(come) here tomorrow, can you bring me some fruit?

If it ______________(not rain) tomorrow, we will go boating on the lake.

2.plan everything well计划好每件事

3.take part in activities like collecting clothes and books for children in need


take part in 指参加某个活动,并哎其中起一定作用

join 指加入某个组织,成为其中一员

in need 在急需时,在贫困时,在危难中

4.lose one’s life失去生命 lose one's way迷路“迷路”=get lost=lose oneself

lose v. 1)“迷失,丢失,失去”

“输掉”如:lose the football match 输掉球赛

“错过”=miss 如:lose the chance 错失机会 lose one’s job,“失业”;

5.get an award获得一个奖

hear from sb.收到某人来信=get/receive a letter from...,后面只接人。

== write (a letter) to sb. 给某人写信 hear of/about “听说”

6.9.He is a member of our Project Hope and often takes part in activities like collecting clothes and books for children in need. 他是我们希望工程的一名成员,经常参加一些为有需要的孩子筹集衣物和书本的活动。

be a member of…… 是……的一名成员 in (great) need of sth. (急)需要某物

do one’s best = try one’s best尽全力 如:

We will do/try our best to learn English well. 我们会尽全力学好英语。

do one’s best to do sth = try one’s best to do sth 尽某人最大的努力去做某事

7. 辨析:madam,Mrs,Miss

madam 女士;夫人 对女顾客的尊称或作为书信开头的称呼

Mrs 夫人 对已婚妇女的称呼,使用时常与其丈夫的姓氏连用

Miss 小姐 对未婚女子的称呼返回搜狐,查看更多




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